Sep 15, 2009

Preview Mariah's Memoirs!

You can now preview Mariah Carey's upcoming album, "Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel" here, or you can download the 30 second snippets here. Judging from the snippets my favourites are:

Betcha Gon' Know
H.A.T.E. U.
It's A Wrap
Up Out My Face
More Than Just Friends
Angels Cry

. What are you liking?

Initially I was a bit worried about the "Memoirs" project due to the lead single, "Obsessed" but after taking a listen to this preview I think Mariah has really served up something original, current and classic. As far as singles go, I can see "Up Out My Face" and "Angels Cry" doing pretty well and I think "Ribbon" and "More Thank Just Friends" would probably do quite well on the urban charts. All in all, I can't wait until 29 September!

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